
基于八叉树邻域分析的光线跟踪加速算法 被引量:16

Acceleration Algorithm in Ray Tracing by the Octree Neighbor Finding
摘要 八叉树是加速光线跟踪常用的层次划分结构,为加快八叉树跟踪光线的过程,论文研究了运用八叉树邻域分析提高光线与八叉树节点之间的碰撞检测速度的方法,提出了一种结构简单、计算效率更高的八叉树节点的邻域分析算法。运用该算法可由现碰撞节点快速计算出下一碰撞节点,避免了采用大量递归搜索计算,从而提高了图像的渲染速度。实验结果表明,使用论文提出的邻域分析进行碰撞检测,效率比传统算法提高了3倍以上,大大提高了光线跟踪的速度。 Octree is a kind of hierarchy structure, and is often used to accelerate ray tracing. In order to speed up the process of ray tracing, a method which used octree neighbor finding to improve the speed of collision detection between ray and octree nodes is provided. This method proposes a octree neighbor finding algorithm which has simple structure and high computational efficiency. Using this algorithm, the next collision node can be calculated by current collision node quickly, which improves the image rendering speed. The experimental results show that the efficiency increased at least 3 times if the collision detection using the neighbor finding rather than the traditional algorithm, and the proposed algorithm can greatly accelerate the ray tracing.
出处 《图学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期339-344,共6页 Journal of Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308358) 河北省交通厅科研计划资助项目(J-20130438) 石家庄市科技支撑计划资助项目(141462353,133130074A,157130036A)
关键词 光线跟踪 八叉树 邻域分析 加速算法 ray tracing octree neighbor finding acceleration algorithm
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