为了更好地理解和实施GB/T 8878—2014《棉针织内衣》标准,从该标准修订的总体思路入手,阐述标准的主要内容、指标变化的依据。指出:标准适用范围增加了棉纤维最低含量(50%)的要求,以及不适用于年龄在36个月及以下的婴幼儿服饰的规定;修改了顶破强力指标、水洗尺寸变化率指标、色牢度指标、纤维含量的计算方法、表面疵点评等规定、规格尺寸划分依据等;细化了对称部位尺寸差异指标;简化了缝制规定和抽样规定。
To better understand and implement GB/T 8878-2014"Cotton Knitted Underwear", and based on the general idea of revising standard, the paper analyzes in detail the main content and index changes of the new standard. It points out that new standard increases the requirements of minimum cotton content (50%) and inapplicable underwear for infant younger than 36 months; revises the index of bursting strength, dimensional stability to washing and color fastness; amends calculation method of fiber content, rating ruies of appearance defects, dividing basis of size deviation; refines the symmetrical parts of measurement discrepancy; and simplifies stitch density and sampling quantity.
Knitting Industries