
农村社会结构的转型与村级党组织的应对 被引量:16

The Transition of Rural Social Structure and the Countermeasures of Village-level Party Organization:Embedding and Integration
摘要 改革开放以后,我国农村社会结构开始转型,进入了一个碎片化和再组织并存、以组织化为主要趋势的新阶段。随着农村社会结构转型的深入,村级党组织自身的权威资源不断流失,话语权开始弱化,介入和引导农村社会结构转型的能力在下降。具体表现为:党组织内聚力下降、农村党建空白点增多以及农村非正式组织对村级党组织的功能替代、组织渗透等。为了改变这种状态,村级党组织要以调整功能定位为切入点,以嵌入和整合为主要手段,有效介入农村社会结构转型的整个过程,不断提升自身对于农村社会结构转型的引导力。 Since the reform and opening up, the transition of structure in China's rural society has come into being, entering into a new stage with the main character of fragmentation and re-organization. During this process, the village party's authority continues de- creasing, the power of voice weakened, the ability to intervene and guide the rural social structure transformation failed. Along with these changes, the party's cohesive force decreases, rural party's vacuums increase, and some functions undertaken by rural party are replaced by some informal organizations. In order to solve this problem, the village-level Party organization should adjust its main functions to ef- fectively intervene rural social structural transformation by embedding and integrating this process, and improve party's guidance to social change.
作者 赵大朋
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期78-84,共7页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
基金 2012年度国家社会科学基金重大项目<国外执政党治党理政比较研究>(项目批准号为12&ZD078)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 农村社会结构 碎片化 再组织 村级党组织 Rural Social Structure Fragmentation Re-organize Village-level Party Organizations
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