

The Teaching Value of Extracurricular Reading Materials and its Realization——A Case Study of The New Chinese Reading
摘要 延伸课本内容、补充课本内容、发展学生个性是课外读物的主要教学价值。课外阅读现状却并不令人乐观,主要表现为语文素养与语文考试的矛盾、阅读兴趣与知识底蕴的脱节、指导取向与阅读内容的偏差等方面。文章以《新语文读本》为例,指出:实现语文课外读物的教学价值需要树立大语文观、突破狭隘的功利思想,加强方法指导、着力阅读方法的形成,精选阅读篇目、培养高雅审美能力。 The teaching value of extracurricular reading chiefly lies in three aspects: extension of textbook contents, supplements of textbook and the development of students' personality. However, the actual extracurricular reading is not optimistic at present, because of the contradictions between Chinese literacy and Chinese exams, the disconnection between reading interests and knowledge connotation, the deviation from guidance orientation to reading content,etc. Therefore, the realization of the teaching value of extracurricular reading requires that we should establish a great language view and break through the narrow utilitarianism thought. Additionally, we also need to enhance the guidance to foma effective reading habits, to select reading material in a precise way and to cultivate students' elegant aesthetic capacity.
作者 张庆 李学
机构地区 湖南科技大学
出处 《教育与教学研究》 2015年第7期8-11,共4页 Education and Teaching Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"走向和合:百年文化变迁中的高中语文课程价值取向研究"(编号:12YJC880047) 湖南科技大学研究生创新基金资助项目(S140058)
关键词 课外读物 教学价值 《新语文读本》 课外阅读 语文课本 大语文观 extracurricular reading material teaching value The New Chinese Reading extracurricular reading Chinese textbook a great language view
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