
Common blackbirds Turdus merula use anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in an urbanized landscape 被引量:4

Common blackbirds Turdus merula use anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in an urbanized landscape
摘要 The common blackbird Turdus merula is one of the most highly urbanized bird species. However, to date, the use of anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in the common blackbird is rarely documented, and the factors influencing its use of the anthropogenic structures as nesting sites remain unclear. In this study, we systematically quantified and determined the factors in- fluencing the use of anthropogenie structures as nesting sites in common blackbirds in a highly urbanized city of Hangzhou, Chi- na. We searched for nests of common blackbirds during four breeding seasons from 2010 to 2013. Among the 60 nests found, 34 nests were in anthropogenic structures such as wall ledges, air condition mounts, window canopies, cable poles, guardrails, eaves, balcony frames, flowerpots and flower shelves on balconies. We found that the available anthropogenic nest sites and the availa- ble nesting trees were main factors determining the use of anthropogenic structures as nesting sites in common blackbirds. In ur- ban environments, the amount of available anthropogenic nesting sites increased significantly, whereas the number of natural nesting sites reduced greatly. Our results suggest that common blackbirds can adjust their nest sites in response to urbanization and such nesting behavior shifts may aid them to colonize urban environments. From a management viewpoint, our results indi- cate that behavioral flexibility should be taken into account for effective urban wildlife management and conservation
出处 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期435-443,共9页 动物学报(英文版)
基金 Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Jukka Jokimaki, Karl Evans and three anonymous referees for helpful comments on the manuscript. We are grateful to many people for kindly reporting the anthropogenic nests of blackbirds and providing help during the study. This study was supported by the Na- tional Natural Science Foundation of China (31071908, 31100394) and the Project-sponsored by SRF for ROCS, SEM (J20130585).
关键词 Adaptation Anthropogenic nest Behavioral flexibility COLONIZATION URBANIZATION 筑巢行为 城市景观 地点 结构 乌鸫 城市野生动物 城市环境 城市化
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