
麻风T细胞应答及TCR CDR3谱序研究进展 被引量:3

T cell response and TCR CDR3 spectratyping in patients with leprosy
摘要 麻风的发生、发展及转归与机体免疫系统密切相关,其中T细胞介导的免疫应答发挥了关键性作用。T细胞通过T细胞受体(TCR)互补决定区CDR3与麻风分枝杆菌抗原结合,产生特异性T细胞免疫效应。测定TCR CDR3谱型分布特征能够反映麻风分枝杆菌感染状态下特定T细胞的扩增程度。本文就麻风T细胞应答及TCR CDR3谱序研究进展作一综述。 Immune system, especially T cell response, plays an important role in the occurrence, develop-ment, and transformation of leprosy. The specific binding of M. leprae antigen and complementarity determi-ning region 3 ( CDR3) of T cell receptor ( TCR) induce the specific T cell response. The feature of TCR CDR3 can reflect the clone degree of specific T cells after infected by M. leprae. The update of T cell re-sponse and TCR CDR3 spectratyping in the patients with leprosy were reviewed in this paper.
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2015年第6期347-350,共4页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:31160195) 国家重点基础研究发展973计划前期专项(编号:2008CB517300)
关键词 麻风 T细胞应答 TCR CDR3 leprosy T cell response TCR CDR3
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