目的:建立高效液相色谱法,以杨梅苷、槲皮苷、杨梅素、槲皮素、山柰酚、穗花杉双黄酮、扁柏双黄酮为指标对侧柏叶和炮制品进行HPLC含量测定,对比侧柏叶炮制前后成分的变化。方法:采用烘法、炒法、炒法进行炮制。含测条件,色谱柱为Welch Ultimate LP-C_18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇-0.2%磷酸水梯度洗脱,检测波长为330 nm,流速为1 ml·min^-1,柱温为35℃;进样量为20μl。结果:杨梅苷、槲皮苷、杨梅素、槲皮素、山柰酚、穗花杉双黄酮、扁柏双黄酮的标准曲线呈良好的线性关系(r≥0.999 0)平均回收率为97.6%~101.1%,RSD≤1.14%(n=6)。侧柏叶中杨梅苷、槲皮苷、穗花杉双黄酮、扁柏双黄酮经炮制后含量均降低,而杨梅素、槲皮素、山柰酚的含量相对升高。结论:所建立的HPLC法简便易行,可用于侧柏叶和炮制品的含量测定。含测结果表明,炮制过程存在成分转化过程。
To establish an HPLC method for the determination of myricetrin, quercitrin, myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, amentoflavone and hinokiflavone in Cacumen Platycladi and processed Cacumen Platycladi, and compare the difference before and after the processing. Methods:The method described in Chinese pharmacopoeia was used in the processing. The chromato-graphic column was Welch Ultimate LP-C18 (250 mm x4. 6 mm,5 μm),the mobile phase was methanol and 0. 2% phosphoric acid with gradient elution, the detection wavelength was 330 nm, and the flow rate was 1 ml·min-1 . The column temperatuhe was 35℃, the injection volume was 20μl. Results:The linear relationship respectively of myricetrin, quercitrin, myricetin, quercetin, kaempfer-ol, amentoflavone and hinokiflavone was good(r≥0. 999 0). The average recovery was within the range of 97. 6%-101. 1% (RSD≤1. 14%, n=6). The content of myricetrin, quercitrin, amentoflavone and hinokiflavone in Cacumen Platycladi was reduced after the processing, and the content of quercetin and kaempferol was increased after the processing. Conclusion: The method is simple,and can be used in the determination of Cacumen Platycladi and its processing product. The results of the content show that the flavones in Cacumen Platycladi can be changed by the processing.
China Pharmacist