One-dimensional ( 1 D) site response analysis is commonly performed to account for local site effects on ground motion propagation during an earthquake. Available methods can be divided into linear, equivalent linear, and nonlinear, and in which the equivalent method represented by LSSRLI-1 and SHAKE2000 is the most widely used. It had been twenty more years since the safety evaluation program LSSRLI-1 was proposed, and it has made a great contribution to earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction for our country, and also some deficiencies were found in the practice. It need to be researched that if some improvements can be made for the evaluation program. On the basis of the classical wave motion theories, a linear program for seismic response analysis is cornpiled. When combined with the SHAKE2000 and LSSRLI-1 resuhs, comparisons for the ground surface acceleration spectra and the shear strain distribution are made. The influences of different incidence waves and the strength of shaking are completely considered. Analyses are made on the acceleration spectra differences induced by the shear strain variances. The result shows the ground response spectra and the shear strain distribution on hard and soft site, calculated by SHAKE2000, are both in good correspondence with the exact solution. The transform functions, calculated by LSSRLI-1, SHAKE2000 and exact solution, match well with each other. The shear strain differences on hard ground, when compared to SHAKE2000 and the exact solution, is really small, and the corre- sponding variances in the spectra acceleration can be ignored. In some cases, the shear strain on the soft site, calculated by LSSRLI-1, is obviously larger than the exact solution and SHAKE2000 results. The variances can bring extreme differences in the ground surface response. The method for computing the shear strain should be improved when the LSSRLI-1 is used for seismic response analysis on the soft sites.
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
seismic response analysis
equivalent linear method
exact solution
ground surface acceleration apectra
shear strain distribution