目的:观察补气生血系列方剂对复合性血虚模型小鼠的作用,寻求发挥最佳药效的药物配伍。方法:补气药(因素A)12个水平:人参、西洋参、党参、太子参、黄芪、白术、山药、扁豆、甘草、大枣、刺五加、灵芝与补血药(因素B)的6个水平:当归、熟地、何首乌、白芍、阿胶、龙眼肉,按定性均匀设计U24(242)表组成24个补气生血方剂。小鼠皮下注射乙酰苯肼60 mg·kg-1,及腹腔注射环磷酰胺120 mg·kg-1复制复合性血虚模型,测定造模后第5、8、10 d小鼠外周血细胞值。选用WBC第8天,RBC、HGB、HCT第10天的值为分析指标,进行主成分分析和虚拟变量的多元线性回归分析,建立多元线性回归方程,找出最佳药效配伍。结果:以WBC为指标的回归方程为Y1(WBC)=5.711+1.250黄芪+1.174人参+0.783西洋参+0.758灵芝+0.682太子参+0.681党参-0.895大枣-1.431刺五加+0.937当归+0.678白芍+0.514熟地-0.392何首乌;以RBC为指标的回归方程Y2(RBC)=6.335+0.812灵芝+0.548黄芪+0.373扁豆+0.226大枣+0.707阿胶+0.600当归+0.600何首乌+0.525白芍+0.446熟地。结论:对于复合性血虚模型小鼠,升高WBC的最佳药效为黄芪当归配伍,升高RBC的最佳药效为灵芝阿胶配伍。
Objective :To analyze the effect on compound blood deficiency model of reinforcing Qi and supplementing blood combination by using qualitative analysis of uniform design and to find out the best prescription with multiple linear regression of dummy variable. Methods:12 supplementing Qi medicines, such as Renshen( Radix Ginseng) , Huangqi (Radix Astragali ) , Dang- shen ( Radix Codonopsis), Xiyangshen ( Radix Panaci Quinquefolii ), Taizishen ( Radix Pseudostellariae ), Lingzhi ( Ganoderma ), Baizhu ( Rhizoma Atraetylodis Maerocephalae ), Shanyao ( Rhizoma Dioscoreas ), Biandou ( Lentils ), Ganeao ( Radix Glycyrrhiae ), Dazao(Jujube) ,Ciwujia(Cortex Acanthopanae) and 6 supplement blood medicines,such as Dangui(Radix Angelieae sinensis), Shudi( Radix Rehmanniae ), Heshouwu ( Radix Pblygoni Muhiflori ), Baisbao ( Radix Paeoniae Alba ), Ejiao ( fungus - donkey - hide glue) and Longyanrou(Longan) were composed of 24 supplement Qi and engendering blood prescriptions according to U24 ( 242 ) qualitative analysis of uniform design. The compound blood deficiency model was obtained with 60 mg·kg- 1 acetylpheny- hydrazine hypodermic injection and 120 mg· kg-1 eyelophosphamide intraperitoneal injection. Peripheral blood cells were counted WBC content on 8 d and RBC ,HGB and HCT on 10 d were selected as index to analyze. Principal component analysis and multi- ple linear regression analysis of virtual variables were set up to find out the best prescription composition. Results : According to the multiple linear regression, Angelicae sinensis decoction for supplementing blood is the optimization on raising WBC while mythic fungus - donkey - hide glue is the optimization composition on raising RBC, HGB and HCT. Conclusion: Angelicae sinensis decoc- tion for supplementing blood and mythic fungus - donkey - hide glue decoction is the optimization compositions on compound blood deficiency model according to multiple linear regression equation.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
qualitative evenly design
Qi - reinforcing agents
blood - supplementing drugs
compound blood deficiency model
optimization composition