
从“大抗战史观”看华侨与抗日战争研究——基于《抗日战争研究》杂志的思考 被引量:4

The Studies on the Role of Overseas Chinese in the War of Resistance against Japan from the Macro-history of the War of Resistance——Some Reflections on the Journal of the Studies of China's Resistance War Against Japan
摘要 论文从"大抗战史观"的视角出发,以《抗日战争研究》杂志刊文及其学术导向为基础,梳理分析了新世纪以来华侨与抗日战争研究的一些特点和需要加强的研究领域。论文认为,为了支持祖国抗战,海外侨胞以空前的规模组织起来,开展了波澜壮阔的抗日救亡运动,为抗日战争的胜利做出了重要贡献。但目前关于华侨与抗战的研究只占整个抗战史研究的极小部分,在华侨华人研究中也属薄弱环节。华侨与抗战研究宏观成果多,专题研究和实证研究较少。借鉴"大抗战史观",可以拓宽华侨与抗战研究的视野,开创研究的新领域。从时段上看,华侨与抗战研究要向前追溯、向后延展;从研究视野上看,应加强华侨在侨居地的抗日活动与反法西斯活动的研究。就研究方法而言,则需要进行新史料的挖掘、口述史的抢救以及社会史研究的扩充与深入,同时加强国内外合作研究。 Drawing from the perspective of the "macro-history of the War of Resistance" and the academic trends that are reflected in The Journal of Studies of China's Resistance War Against Japan, this paper analyzes the strength and deficiency of the current studies on the role the overseas Chinese played during the War of Resistance. This paper indicates that the overseas Chinese, in a number that is unprecedented in history, made significant contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance through the Movement of Resistance against Japan and Saving the Nation from Downfall. However, the research on the overseas Chinese during the war is only a small proportion in the studies on the war as well as of the overseas Chinese studies. There are more general discussions of the topic than empirical research. To adopt a perspective of " the macro-history on the War of Resistance" is able to widen the view on overseas Chinese' s role during the war. Such studies should be extended both the pre-war period and the post-war period. And the research topics could be strengthen through focusing on overseas Chinese' anti-Japanese and anti-fascist activities locally. In terms of the methodology, future studies should consider discovering new sources, conducting oral history and doing social history, and enhancing international research collaborations.
作者 张秀明
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2015年第3期39-43,共5页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
关键词 华侨 抗日战争 抗日战争研究 抗战史 overseas Chinese the War of Resistance against Japan the studies on the Warof Resistance against Japan the history of the War of Resistance against Japan
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