
重载铁路货车结构强度考核标准中纵向力取值的研究 被引量:6

Proposed Value for Longitudinal Force in Assessment Standard for Structure Strength of Heavy Haul Railway Freight Car
摘要 在对比分析国内外重载铁路货车结构强度考核既有标准中纵向力值的基础上,选取大秦线、神华铁路、京广铁路和晋中南通道25,27和30t轴重货车重载综合试验数据,采用概率统计的方法分析列车运行中车辆纵向力的分布;根据在驼峰编组场的调研以及27和30t轴重货车冲击试验,分析驼峰溜放调车时车辆间的最大冲击力。在此基础上,结合我国铁路现行的大轴重货车技术条件以及《铁路主要技术政策》,将重载铁路货车分为专用货车和通用货车,明确第1和第2工况的定义,针对这2种货车和2种工况提出重载铁路货车结构强度考核标准中纵向力取值的建议方案。对于专用货车,第1工况下的纵向拉伸力和压缩力分别取2 000和2 250kN,第2工况下的纵向压缩力取3 400kN;对于通用货车,第1工况下的纵向拉伸力和压缩力分别取1 780和1 920kN,第2工况下的纵向压缩力取3 100kN;冲击速度取10km·h-1。 The values of longitudinal force in the existing assessment standards for the structure strength of heavy haul railway freight car at home and abroad were compared and analyzed. On this basis, the heavy haul comprehensive test data of the freight cars with the axle load of 25, 27 and 30 t on Da-Qin Line, Shenhua Line, Jing-Guang Railway and central-south railway passage in Shanxi province were selected to analyze the distribution of vehicle longitudinal force in running train by probability statistics method. The maximum impact force between vehicles at hump rolling was analyzed based on the investigation data and the impact test data of freight cars with the axle load of 27 and 30 t. The heavy haul freight cars were divided into general and special types by combining the current technical conditions of heavy axle load freight car with "Policies on Key Railway Technologies" in China. At the same time, the first and second conditions were clearly defined. Then, the values of longitudinal force in the assessment standards for the structure strength of heavy haul railway freight car were proposed for these two types of freight cars and two conditions. For special freight car, the longitudinal tensile force and compressive force of the first condition should be 2 000 and 2 250 kN respectively, and the longitudinal compressive force of the second condition should be 3 400 kN. For general freight car, the longitudinal tensile force and compressive force of the first condition should be 1 780 and 1 920 kN respectively, and the longitudinal compressive force of the second condition should be 3 100 kN. Finally, the impact speed should be 10 km h-~1.
出处 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期94-103,共10页 China Railway Science
基金 铁道部科技研究开发计划项目(2012G002-3)
关键词 重载铁路 铁路货车 结构强度 纵向力 冲击速度 考核标准 Heavy haul railway Railway freight car Structure strength Longitudinal force Impact speed Assessment standard
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