
湖南邵阳县龙山金锑矿区构造控矿规律及找矿方向 被引量:7

The ore-controlling structure regularities and prospecting direction in Longshan Au-Sb deposit, Hunan Province
摘要 龙山金锑矿床处于华南板块之江南地块南东部,往南与南华活动带相邻,区域构造兼具隆起带和活动带的特点。白马山一龙山EW向构造隆起带控制了区域钨锑金矿带的展布,龙山穹窿控制了龙山金锑矿床的就位。龙山地区经历了四次主要构造运动,雪峰运动形成EW向龙山穹窿雏形,加里东运动形成NE向复式褶皱,印支运动主要表现为NNE向劈理(硅质条带充填)叠加,燕山运动以NNE向断裂为主要特色,经历了由塑性到脆性、由褶皱为主到断裂为主的形变过程。龙山倒转复式背斜控制了龙山金锑矿床的就位及矿脉(体)的展布,核部发育的多组断裂控制了矿体的就位,其中与区域劈理大角度相交的NWW组断裂为主要容矿构造,与NNE、NE向断裂及密集的轴面劈理相交部位成矿有利,沿其交线附近往往有板柱状矿体分布,矿体倾向延深大于走向长,一般延深为走向长的1~5倍,并明显向北西侧伏,与褶皱轴面倾向大体一致。删向矿脉是下一步找矿的重点。 Longshan Au- Sb deposit is located in the southeast of Jiangnan block, and reaches south to South China fold belt, which is in the Yangzi plate. The feature of the regional structure include uplift belt and fold system, has both Jiangnan block and South China fold belt. The W- Sb- Au ore belt in the region is controlled by the Baimashan- Longshan uplift belt, and the Longshan Au- Sb deposit is controlled by Longshan dome. There're 4times tectonic events in Longshan area. In The Xuefeng movement, the NWW strike Longshan dome was taking embryonic form. In the Caledonian movement, the NE strike comprehensive fold was formed. In the Indosinian movement, the NEE strike cleavages superimposed on the earlier folds. In the Yanshan movement, the NEE strike faults deformation went from plastic to brittle, and the structure predominantly fold become fault. Longshan Au- Sb deposit emplacement and the ore vein development are controlled by Longshan comprehensive inversion anticline. More groups fault in the center of the anticline are control the ore vein emplacement. The NWW strike faults, which is large angle intersect with regional cleavages, is the most ore- hosting structure. The parts intersect with NEE strike faults, NE strike faults, and fold axial plane cleavages, is the favorable parts for mineralization,there're tabular ore bodies distribute along the intersection. The ore bodies extend in dip direction is 1- 1.5 times bigger than in the horizontal direction, and pitch to NW strike, which is the same strike with fold axial plane.NWW vein is the main mission of the next step prospecting.
出处 《华南地质与矿产》 CAS 2015年第3期261-267,共7页 Geology and Mineral Resources of South China
基金 全国危机矿山接替资源勘查项目[12120114066901]资助
关键词 倒转复式背斜 断裂 侧伏 龙山金锑矿 湖南邵阳县 reversal anticline fracture lateral trending Longshan Au-Sb deposit Shaoyang County,Hunan Province
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