Based on 10 years precipitation data from Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42 and the best track data from China Meteorological Administration (CMA), the seasonal, monthly and annual contribution of tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation to the total rainfall are analyzed over the Western North Pacific (WNP) during 1998 to 2007 from May to December. The results show that: (1) TC seasonal rainfall contribution ranges from 4% in inland regions to above 40% in ocean-regions of 15°N-25°N. TCs at higher categories contribute much more to the total precipitation. (2) On monthly scale, TCs contribute 60% to the total rainfall regionally during whole TC season, which is the maximum contribution. The peak contribution of TC rainfall averaged in multi-months of the ten years occurs in August (28%) over the whole ocean impacted by TC and in December (23%) over the whole land impacted by TC, respectively. (3) On annual scale, the maximum contribution of TC precipitation to the total rainfall are in 2004 (-30%) over ocean and in 1998 (-20%) over land, respectively. (4) The contribution of TC precipitation to the total rainfall increases 6% (decreases 6%) in El Nino (La Nifia) years compared with neutral years.
从中国气象学的管理( CMA )从热带降雨测量使命( TRMM )多卫星 降水分析( TMPA ) 3B42 和最好的轨道数据基于 10 年 降水数据,季节,热带气旋( TC )的每月、年度的贡献到全部的降雨的 降水从5月在 1998~2007 期间在西方的诺思太平洋( WNP )上被分析到12月。结果显示出那:(1 ) TC 季节的降雨贡献在内陆区域从 4%到上面 40% 在 15 的海洋区域 ???? 蹂 ? ? 吗??
supported by the Special Funds for Public Welfare of China(Grant No.GYHY201306077)
CAS Strategic Priority Research Program(Grant No.XDA05100303)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41230419,91337213)
the Jiangsu Provincial 2011 Program(Collaborative Innovation Center of Climate Change)