
基于FPGA的CAN总线通信系统的设计 被引量:10

Design of FPGA-based CAN bus communication system
摘要 为了避免单片机的缺陷,同时满足工业上稳定,精确的数据通信需求,在此提出了基于FPGA的通信系统,通过控制CAN控制器SJA1000,从而实现CAN总线的数据通信的设计。介绍了该系统的硬件结构和设计原理,针对FPGA的控制流程和原理进行了分析和设计;实验结果显示,该CAN通信系统满足通信需求,较以往的单片机CAN通信系统具有更高性能和优越性。 To avoid the defect of SCM, and meet the requirements of industrial stability and accurate data communication, a communication system based on FPGA is proposed in this paper. The hardware structure and design principle of the system are introduced. The analysis and design of the system were conducted according to the control flow and principle of FPGA. CAN bus data communication was realized by CAN controller SHA1000. The experimental results show that CAN communication system can meet the communication requirements, and has better performance and superiority than the MCU-based CAN communication system.
作者 时旭 付成伟
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2015年第22期59-61,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 FPGA CAN总线通信 CAN控制器 数据通信 FPGA CAN bus communication CAN controller data communication
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