
气固错流移动床内空腔与贴壁研究现状及发展 被引量:2

An overview of cavity and pinning in cross-flow moving beds
摘要 气固错流移动床广泛应用于工业生产过程,空腔与贴壁是两种典型的非正常操作工况,限制了移动床的操作弹性。床层结构与气固两相流动特性影响空腔贴壁的形成及变化,综述了空腔与贴壁的研究现状,总结了压降、颗粒流动以及空腔贴壁的数学模型,分析了空腔贴壁的影响因素,讨论了提高错流移动床操作弹性的方法,阐明了研究中亟待解决的问题,为气固错流移动床的研究方向提供建议。 The cross-flow moving bed has been widely used in many chemical industrial processes. Unfortunately,its operating flexibility is usually limited due to the occurrence of the cavity and pinning. In order to provide some advice on research direction of cross-flow moving bed,the current status and development of cavity / pinning in cross-flow moving bed were reviewed. Especially,the gas pressure drop,the particle velocity as well as the cavity / pinning phenomenon were mainly introduced. Base on the analysis of the previous works,the pressing problems in the cross-flow moving bed were proposed.
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期2091-2096,共6页 Applied Chemical Industry
基金 国家重点基础研究发展项目(2012CB215000)
关键词 气固错流移动床 压降 颗粒速度 空腔 贴壁 cross-flow moving bed gas pressure drop particle velocity cavity pinning
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