
国内外地方性知识研究的比较与启示 被引量:13

The Comparison and Inspiration of Local Knowledge Study at Home and Abroad
摘要 地方性知识的研究不仅是一种文化内容的分析,更是一种学术研究方法的探索。从西方国家人类学者最早提出"地方性知识"一词以来,地方性知识研究在国外学术界已走过了半个多世纪,大致可以划分为三个阶段:理论知识分析与研究、实践知识挖掘与探索、不同文化模式融合研究阶段,相应的研究成果比较丰富。但是,从国内的相关研究来看,整体的研究进展、研究内容、研究方法等都相对滞后。一方面是由于相关学术研究起步较晚,历经的发展时间与研究阶段较少所造成的;另一方面,则是由于当前学术界对相关内容的研究仍存在研究目标不明确、研究领域狭窄、研究方法单一化等问题所导致的。因此,如何在现代社会文化背景下,学习与借鉴国外地方性知识的研究内容和方法来开创国内地方性知识研究的新阶段是当前学术界需要面临的重大课题。 Local knowledge is not only a cultural content analysis, but also to explore the kind of academic research methods. Anthropologists from Western countries first proposed the term "local knowledge" since local knowledge study abroad academia has gone through half a century, it can be roughly divided into three phases: analysis and study of theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge mining and explore the different cultural patterns fusion research stage, the corresponding research more abundant. However, research from the domestic point of view, the overall progress of research, research, research methods and so is lagging behind. Partly because the relevant academic research started late, after the research stage of development time and caused less; on the other hand, it is because of the current academic study of relevant content, there are still no clear research objectives, research narrow, single issues such methods caused. So, how in the modern social and cultural background, learning and reference research content and methods of foreign local knowledge to create a national study of a new stage of local knowledge is a major issue in academia need to face.
作者 蒋培
机构地区 河海大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期59-64,共6页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<村民环境行为与农村面源污染研究>(批准号:12BSH021) 国家留学基金委基金公派出国项目(201406710015) 北京郑杭生社会发展基金会.杭州国际城市学研究中心学子项目<城市化背景下市民环境行为的研究>(13ZHFD05) 江苏省2013年高校研究生科研创新计划项目(省助)<污染企业转型升级的路径分析--G镇照明产业发展与环境保护之案例研究>(CXZZ13_0231)的阶段性成果
关键词 地方性知识 国内外 研究现状 比较 启示 Local Knowledge At Home and Abroad Research Status Comparison Inspiration
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