
关于中国抗战大后方研究的几个基本问题 被引量:7

Study on rear area of the Chinese War Resistance Against Japan:Fundamental questions
摘要 文章针对中国抗战大后方研究缺乏整体研究和学术规范的现状,将中国抗战大后方置于中国抗战历史与第二次世界大战历史大背景之下,第一次对抗战大后方的概念、研究对象、地位作用、研究价值及发展趋势等基本问题进行了学术梳理和系统回答。在抗日战争时期,以重庆为中心的中国西部地区是中国抗战的大后方。其历史地位与作用表现为,抗战大后方是支撑中国对日作战的战略后方,为抗日民族统一战线提供了发挥作用的政治舞台,是世界反法西斯同盟国东方战场的战略支柱。研究抗战大后方历史有利于充分认识第二次国共合作的重大作用和深远影响,强化"天下为公,民族至上"的理念,推动两岸人民和执政党实现民族和解与团结;有利于全面展现中国战场全貌,更加准确地反映中国在第二次世界大战中的作用和贡献;有利于还原二战真相,进一步揭露日本侵华的战争罪行,为开创中日关系的光明未来奠定基础;有利于建设中美新型大国关系,构建和谐世界;有利于深化对中国近代史的研究,让中国学术成果走向世界,进入西方主流社会,促进中国与西方世界的合作与共赢。 The research of rear area during the Anti-Japanese is lack of integrity and academic norms. In view of this situation, the author puts the rear area in the context of Chinese Anti-Japanese War and Word War II. This article makes an analytical study of the basic concepts, research subjects, historical status and roles, research value and research trend of rear area during the Anti-Japanese War, and it also considers and evaluates some important questions. During the period of Anti-Japanese War, rear area refers to the region of Chongqing-centric Western China. The research subjects include politics, economy, culture and society. The historical status and roles of rear area are represented in three dimensions. Firstly, the rear area, a main supporting area of Anti-Japanese War, has been the strategic rear of China. Secondly, it provided a political stage for the Anti-Japanese National United Front.In addition, it was the strategic pillar of Anti-Fascist War in the East. The research of the rear area will be helpful to fully recognize the significance and impact of the Second United Front. It would strengthen the idea of "The world belongs to the people, the supremacy of nation"( 天下为公,民族至上) and promote the cross-strait reconciliation and unity. Rear area study could show the entire picture of Anti Japanese War, reflect the role and contribution of China more accurately during the war. In hope of new prospects in the China-Japan relations, we need to further unearth the truth about WWII and expose the atrocities of Japanese Army. In order to build a harmonious world, a new relationship between Sino-America should be established. For the purpose of achieving win-win cooperation between China and the world, we need to do further research on modern Chinese history, make Chinese academic achievements recognized by the world and enter into the mainstream of Western society.
作者 周勇
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期177-187,共11页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家哲学社会科学特别委托项目"第二次国共合作及其经验研究--以中共中央南方局和抗战大后方为中心"(09@ZH012)
关键词 中国 抗战 大后方 基本问题 China Chinese War of Resistance Against Japan rear area fundamental questions
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