
山西省春玉米生育期干旱特征分析 被引量:17

Analysis on the Drought Characteristics in Different Growth Stages of Spring Maize in Shanxi Province
摘要 应用山西省15个气象站点1981-2011年春玉米生育期内逐日气温、降水量资料分别计算不同生育期的相对湿润度指数、降水与作物需水的耦合度,以相对湿润度指数(M)作为春玉米干旱等级评价指标,分析近31a山西省春玉米不同生育期干旱变化特征。结果表明:(1)近31a来,山西春玉米各生育期中,以出苗-拔节期干旱发生频率最高,达86.95%,干旱发生等级以中等以上为主,降水与作物需水的耦合度最小,仅0.41,该生育期缺水最严重;播种-出苗期干旱发生频率达82.47%,干旱发生等级以中等以上为主,北部和中部地区降水与作物需水耦合度分别为0.45和0.41,南部地区降水能满足玉米需水要求;拔节-抽雄期降水与作物需水耦合度为0.69,干旱发生频率为51.51%,干旱发生等级以轻旱为主;抽雄-乳熟期和乳熟-成熟期干旱发生频率较低,为32.58%-43.33%,以轻旱为主,降水与作物需水耦合度在0.95以上,降水基本能满足春玉米的需水要求。(2)从北部至南部,山西春玉米各生育期干旱发生频率基本呈递减趋势,降水与春玉米需水耦合度呈递增趋势。全省播种-出苗期中等以上干旱占各级干旱发生频率的比重均为最高,北部、中部和南部地区分别达86.73%、79.43%和72.88%。 Based on the data of daily temperature and precipitation in spring maize growth stages collected from 15 observation meteorological stations in Shanxi province from 1981 to 2011, relative moist index(M) in different spring maize growth stages were calculated, and combined with coupling degree between precipitation and spring maize water requirement, the variability of drought of recent 31 years in growth stages of spring maize in Shanxi province were analyzed. The results indicated that, (1) in recent 31 years, the highest drought frequency of 86.95% occurred in seeding to jointing stage of spring maize in Shanxi province, .in which there was most serious water scarcity, and the coupling degree between precipitation and spring maize water requirement was only 0.41, which was the lowest during the spring maize growth stage, and most of the droughts were moderate drought, strong drought and severe drought; In sowing to seeding stage of spring maize, the drought frequency was 82.47%, and most of the droughts were moderate drought, strong drought and severe drought, the coupling degree between precipitation and spring maize water requirement in northern and middle part was 0.45 and 0.41 respectively, but the precipitation was matched with the spring maize water requirement in southern Shanxi. In jointing to tasseling stage of spring maize, the coupling degree between the precipitation and spring maize water requirement was 0.69, the drought occurrence frequency was 51.51%, and most of the droughts were slight; the drought occurrence frequency was 32.58%-43.33% in tasseling to milky maturity and milky maturity to full maturity stage of spring maize, in which most of the drought was slight drought, and precipitation was generally matched with the spring maize water requirement. (2)Drought occurrence frequency was decreased and coupling degree between precipitation and spring maize water requirement was increased from Northern to Southern Shanxi. The proportion of moderate, severe and extra severe drought occurrence frequency to all the drought occurrence frequency were highest in sowing to seeding of spring maize, which was up to 86.73%,79.43% and 72.88% in Northern, Middle and Southern Shanxi, respectively.
出处 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期754-761,共8页 Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
基金 国家863计划"抗旱节水材料与制剂"项目(2011AA100503) 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划"旱地农田高效用水关键技术研究与典型示范"项目(2011BAD09B01) 国际合作项目"Supplemental Irrigation Research in Dryland Areas of China"
关键词 春玉米 生育期 干旱频率 相对湿润度指数 耦合度 Spring maize Growth stage Drought occurrence frequency Relative moist index Coupling degree
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