Viral hepatitis is among the infections that primarily affect the liver and is one of the main causes of death in the world. Every year, more than one million people worldwide die of viral hepatitis. In recent decades, the number of people with hepatitis B and C has declined in Iran. The purpose of this study was to investigate normal and abnormal liver enzymes (AST, ALT) in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C in a number of public and private laboratories in Tabriz. In the study conducted in 2013, of those who had referred to clinical laboratories for various reasons or who had been reported by centers of infectious or dialysis therapy, a sample of 1,000 patients were identified with hepatitis B and C; 693 people had hepatitis B and 307 people had hepatitis C. On a sample of patients, liver enzymes were evaluated using standard methods. The percentage of women and men in this study were inconsistent with global statistics. However this inconsistency could be justified by the alcohol consumption and an increase in the number of addicted people in society as well as women's fear due to some social issues.