
急性脑梗死患者踝肱血压指数与蛋白尿的相关性研究 被引量:2

Correlation study of ankle-brachial index and proteinuria in patients with acute cerebral infarction
摘要 目的蛋白尿的严重程度与动脉硬化程度显著相关,但涉及其与急性脑梗死患者踝肱血压指数(ankle-brachial index,ABI)的关联研究不多。文中旨在探讨两者的相关性。方法连续收集2013年1月至12月于南京军区南京总医院神经内科住院的急性脑梗死患者271例。依据是否存在蛋白尿分为蛋白尿阳性组和阴性组; Objective Proteinuria is in close relation with arteriosclerosis,but little investigation was made on the correlation between ankle-brachial index( ABI) and proteinuria in patients with acute cerebral infarction. Methods 271 consecutive patients with acute cerebral infarction were enrolled from January 2013 and December 2013,which were divided into 2 groups( patients with proteinuria and patients without proteinuria) according to urine analysis. ABI of all patients was measured and stratified into 4 groups:ABI≤0. 9( low); 0. 9〈 ABI 〈1. 0( borderline low); 1. 0 〈ABI≤1. 2( normal); and 1. 2〈 ABI≤1. 4( high normal). The correlation between ABI andproteinuria were analyzed. Results Of 271 patients,172 cases were with hypertension,82 cases with diabetes,43 cases with coronary artery disease,52 cases with stroke,59 cases with smoking history,71 cases with drinking history and 41( 15. 1%) patients have proteinuria. Univariate analysis indicated that age( P = 0. 02),hypertension( P = 0. 02),diabetes( P =0. 04),history of stroke( P = 0. 03),history of ACEI drugs( P = 0. 02),smoking( P = 0. 04),fasting plasma glucose( P = 0. 03) and ABI( P = 0. 01) significantly associated with proteinuria. Logistic regression analysis suggested that the prevalence of proteinuria,defined as ≧ 30 mg/d L by dipstick,was significantly associated with low ABI [odds ratio( OR) 3. 70,95% confidence interval( CI)1. 14- 12. 05] and high normal ABI( OR 4. 87,95% CI 1. 68- 14. 07) compared with normal ABI before and after multivariable adjustment. In participants less than 60 years old,proteinuria was significantly associated with only high normal ABI( OR 4. 96,95% CI1. 14- 21. 90) compared with normal ABI. In participants at least 60 years old,adjusted OR for proteinuria was only significantly associated low ABI( OR 5. 88,95% CI 1. 41- 24. 57]compared with normal ABI. Conclusion ABI is associated with proteinuria in patients with acute cerebral infarction. In the treatment of patients with abonormal ABI,it is necessary to control dangerous factors effectively and prevent the occurrence of renal dysfunction.
出处 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期1283-1286,共4页 Journal of Medical Postgraduates
基金 国家自然科学基金(81171099)
关键词 踝肱血压指数 蛋白尿 脑梗死 多因素分析 Ankle-brachial index Proteinuria Acutecerebralinfarction Multivariable analysis
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