Objective To investigate the correlation between coagulation/fibrinolysis indexes and risk of death in emergency department(ED) patients with community-acquired pneumonia(CAP). Methods Totally 96 patients with CAP in ED of the First Hospital of China Medical University from August 2010 to August 2013 were studied retrospectively, excluding those with malignant tumour, avtive tuberculosis,hematopoietic disease, documented or suspected pulmonary embolism,immunosuppression,long-term usage of anticoagn lants, glucocorticosteroids and antiplatelet drugs,pregnant,laboratory tests deficiency. All cases were divided into survival group and non-survival group according to whether they died or not in hospital. Age, sex, white blood cell ( WBC ), platelet count ( PLT), prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTI'), international normalized ratio (INR), fibrinogen ( FIB ), D-Dimer ( D-D ), glutamic- pyruvic transaminase enzyme (GPT), albumin (ALB), total bilirubin (TBil), urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Cr), brain natriuretic peptide(BNP) ,glucose(GLU) and arterial blood gases (ABG) were analyzed. The measurement data with Gaussian distribution was described with x + s deviation and groups were compared with t-test. The measurement data with abnormal distribution was described with median( quartile range) and groups were compared with non-parametric rank-sum test. In single-factor analysis,P 〈 0.1 was considered to be have significant difference. These significances were analized with multiple-factor analysis,and P 〈0.05 was considered to be have significant difference. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were drawn and areas under ROC curve (AUC), cut -off value, sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Results Compared with suvivals,non-survivals Cr[73(60-120)Ixmol/L vs 61 (49-53)μmol/ L,P =0.032] ,PT[14.7(13.0-17.8) seconds vs 14. 1(13.5-15.0) seconds,P =0.0551 ,INR [1.18(1.05-1.50) vs 1.11(1.02- 1.21 ), P = 0.009 ], D-D [ 5.5 (2.0-20.0) μg/ml vs 2 ( 1-4 ) μg/ml, P = 0. 000 ] were significantly elevated. Analyze P 〈 0. 10 factors with Logistic regression multiple-factor analysis: D-D ( 13 = 0. 220, OR = 1. 246, P = 0), INR ( 13 = 3. 646, OR = 38.32, P = 0. 047 ) were the independent risk factors of death in hospital. Draw ROC curves and AUG is: D-D × INR(0.770), INR (0.760), D-D (0.742). When cutoff value of D-D × INR was 3.82, sensitivity was 0.750, specificity was 0.691. Conclusion Not only D-D is one indicator of the coagnlation/fibrinolys indexes,but also INR can be used for assessing the risk of death in ED patients with CAP.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
Community-acquired pneumonia(CAP)
International normalized ratio(INR)