
Image reconstruction of a neutron scatter camera 被引量:1

Image reconstruction of a neutron scatter camera
摘要 Recently, Sandia Laboratories developed a neutron scatter camera to detect special nuclear materials. This camera exhibits the following advantages: high efficiency, direction discrimination, neutron-gamma discrimination ability, and wide field of view. However, using the direct projection method, the angular resolution of this camera is limited by uncertainties in the energies estimated from pulse height and time of flight measurements. In this study, we established an eight-element neutron scatter camera and conducted the experiment with a ^(252)Cf neutron source. The results show that it has an angular resolution better than 8°(1s) and a detection efficiency of approximately 2.6′10-4. Using maximum likelihood expectation maximization method, the image artifact was eliminated, and the angular resolution was improved. We proposed an average scattering angle method to estimate the scattering energy of neutrons and Compton gamma rays. As such, we can obtain a recognizable image and energy spectrum of the source with some degradation of energy and image resolutions. Finally, a newly measured light response function based on the MPD^(-4) device was used for image reconstruction. Although we did not obtain a better result than that of the standard light response function, we have observed the effects of light response function on image reconstruction.
出处 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期149-155,共7页 中国科学(技术科学英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China(Grant Nos.11105106 11375144&11275153)
关键词 neutron scatter camera ^(252)Cf neutron source energy reconstruction image reconstruction maximum likelihood expectation maximization time of flight light response function 中子散射 图像重建 相机 Sandia实验室 飞行时间测量 能量估计 角分辨率 响应函数
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