
电子受体冲击条件下低有机质剩余污泥的高温厌氧水解酸化性能 被引量:1

Characteristics of Thermophilic Anaerobic Hydrolysis and Acidification of Low-organic Carbon Sludge under Electron Acceptor Shocking Conditions
摘要 剩余污泥水解酸化是其后续能源资源化的重要前提保障技术。针对低有机质剩余污泥,在55℃高温运行条件下,研究了电子受体冲击对剩余污泥水解酸化运行性能的影响,重点考察了水解酸化过程中水解、酸化效果和氮磷营养元素的释放。结果表明:采用短时曝气冲击模式能够有效提高厌氧水解酸化过程中污泥的去除率,短时曝气和对照组条件下污泥挥发性悬浮固体去除率分别为40%和31%。电子受体冲击条件下增加了溶解性化学需氧量(重铬酸钾法)的产率,尤其是蛋白质产率。引入电子受体冲击主要改善固体物质的降解效率,并不影响酸化的代谢模式,酸化产生的挥发性脂肪酸主要以丁酸型为主。氨氮释放、三维荧光和分子量分布均表明蛋白质类物质的差异主要在于水解阶段产生溶解性蛋白质浓度不同,而不是酸化阶段造成的差异。电子受体冲击尤其是短时曝气冲击是强化污泥水解酸化的有效技术途径。 Hydrolysis and acidification of residual sludge is the prerequisite for its consequent energy and resource utilization. As to the low-organic carbon sludge,the characteristics of thermophilic anaerobic hydrolysis and acidification under electron acceptor shocking conditions were examined,especially for hydrolysis,acidification and nitrogenphosphorus nutrient release. The results showed that under short-term aeration shocking conditions,efficiency of anaerobic hydrolysis and acidification was enhanced significantly,with the volatile suspended solids reduction percentage of 40% compared to 31% without shocking effect. Concurrently, the shock condition enhanced soluble chemical oxygen demand production,especially for protein. By incorporating the electron shock,it mainly affected the hydrolysis efficiency rather than the acidification mode,with the acidification type of butyrate fermentation. The release of ammonia and also measurements by both excitation emission matrix florescence spectroscopy and molecular distribution indicated that the difference of protein-type substances was mainly contributed from hydrolysis rather than acidification. Electron acceptor shocking,especially short-term aeration,isan effective technique to enhance anaerobic hydrolysis and acidification of residual sludge.
出处 《环境工程技术学报》 CAS 2016年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2011ZX07317-001) 昆明市科技计划项目(2014-04-A-S-01-3065)
关键词 低有机质污泥 水解酸化 电子受体冲击 高温厌氧消化 low-organic carbon sludge hydrolysis and acidification electron acceptor shocking thermophilic anaerobic digestion
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