This paper reports the use of 3 mul-tiple regression equations (designated asA, B, and C), established by rightcardiac catheterization and rheogram ofpulmonary impedance examination simulta-neously, for the determination of meanpulmonary artery pressure (PAP) in 100healthy persons and 129 cases of chronic corpulmonale on exacerbation.By analysis andcomparison of the PAP values obtainedfrom these 3 equations, the results showedthat on equation B the upper limit of thePAP in 95% normal value range was 2.439kPa (18.34 mmHg), which correspond tothe upper limit of normal valne range of thePAP 2.394 kPa (18.0mmHg) as measuredby right cardiac catheterization. Also, therange 1.032-2.597 kPa (7.761-19.530 mmHg)and standard deviation 0.383 kPa (±2.88mmHg) of PAP value in healthy persons,using the equation B for measurementwere less than those on equation A and C.Thus, it was illustrated that the values ofPAP were more stable on equation B thanthose on the other equations. On the other hand, the results obtainedfrom the PAP test with these 3 equationsin 100 healthy persons and 129 cases ofchronic cor pulmonale on exacerbation, in-dicated that the specificity on equation Bfor healthy persons was higher, while usingequation B the sensitivity and specificityfor cor pulmonale patients were higher thanthose equation A or C. Therefore, we sug-gest that equation B is more conformableto the actual circumstances and suitable forclinical application.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
Pulmonary impedance rheogram
Pulmonary artery pressure
Multiple regression equation