中国自主研发的世界首台600 MW等级超临界CFB锅炉,在四川白马示范电站成功投运。针对机组无外部辅助汽源冷态启动,分析了启动过程的危险点,详细介绍了机组启动过程的安全、技术措施,避免了启动中容易出现的各类问题,保证了机组顺利启动,取得了明显效果,为后续超临界CFB机组提供相应借鉴。
The first 600 MW class supercritical CFB boiler in the world produced by China has been put into operation success- fully in Baima of Sichuan Province. Aiming at the cold - start technology without external auxiliary steam of the unit, the dan- ger points in start - up process are analyzed, and the security and technical measures in start - up process are introduced in detail, which can avoid the problems easily occurred in start - up process, ensure the successful start - up of the unit and pro- vide a reference for the follow - up supereritical CFB unit.
Sichuan Electric Power Technology