
团头鲂池塘养殖生态系统晒塘阶段温室气体排放通量分析 被引量:14

Greenhouse gas emissions of Megalobrama amblycephala culture pond ecosystems during sun drying of pond
摘要 为探讨团头鲂池塘养殖生态系统晒塘阶段温室气体的排放规律及综合增温潜势,采用静态暗箱——气相色谱法对团头鲂池塘养殖生态系统晒塘阶段温室气体(CO2,CH4,N2O)的排放进行原位测定。结果显示,团头鲂池塘养殖生态系统晒塘阶段均表现为CO2,CH4和N2O的排放源,其中CO2排放通量达(86.72±12.46)g/m2,CH4排放量达(2.01±0.34)g/m2,N2O排放量达(7.44±0.98)mg/m2;在100 a的时间尺度上,团头鲂池塘养殖生态系统在晒塘阶段综合增温潜势为(157.28±24.31)g/m2,团头鲂池塘养殖生态系统温室气体减排空间较大。 Global warming and ozone depletion caused by greenhouse gases are currently two major global environmental issues. While China's freshwater aquaculture production has long been ranked first in the world, greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ponds becomes an important source of China's greenhouse gas emissions. But the research on greenhouse gas emission in freshwater aquaculture ecosystem is limited. In order to investigate greenhouse gas emissions and comprehensive global warming potential of Megalobrama amblycephala culture pond ecosystems during pond basked, we used the static opaque chamber-GC techniques to conduct an in situ determination of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) of Megalobrama amblycephala culture pond ecosystems. The results showed that the CO2 fluxes measured in every 15 days were (2652.46±325.36), (2313.82±245.14), (1456.42±124.67) and (1373.27±167.39) mg/(m2.d) respectively for the air temperature of 8.9, 7.2, 5.8 and 6℃, at the ponds during sampling. The potential of hydrogen at the ponds during the sampling at each temperature was (7.73±0.26), (8.26±0.35), (7.75±0.37) and (7.68±0.48), respectively. The total organic carbon at the ponds for each sampling was (3.61±0.43), (3.32±0.17), (3.16±0.31) and (3.23±0.27), respectively. The redox potential for each sampling was (206.7±34.9), (216.8±27.6), (56.8±9.3) and (124.8±16.5) mV, respectively. The moisture content of sediment for samples taken at 11.2, 10.3, 9.6 and 9.8℃ was (55.25%±2.54%), (54.53%±5.61%), (46.62%±4.38%), and (48.35%±3.14%), respectively. Among December 28, January 13, January 28, February 13, 2014, when the pond temperature was the highest on December 28, the CO2 emission flux peaked (2652.46±325.36) mg/(m2.d)). In comparison, on February 13 2015, the smallest CO2 emission flux (1373.27±167.39) mg/(m2.d)) corresponded with the lowest pond temperature, CH4 is transformed from methane bacteria via an organic carbon source. As culturing activity increased with rising temperatures, phytoplankton dies and the organic artificial diets left over by fish increases, providing a rich carbon source for methane bacteria. In this study, CH4 emission flux paralleled that of CO2, and in general, CH4 emission flux was positively correlated with temperature. On December 28, 2014, there was a peak of CH4 emission flux (82.42 ± 6.32) mg/(m2.d)) in the freshwater ponds. From December 28, 2014 to February 13 2015, the measured CH4 emission fluxes were (82.42±6.32), (81.08±7.43), (7.63±1.84) and (7.06±2.93) mg/(m2·d), respectively. On February 13 2015, the lowest water temperature was accompanied by the smallest CH4 emission flux (7.06±2.93) mg/(m2.d). From December 28, 2014 to February 13 2015, the N20 emission fluxes were (172.34±10.56), (204.57±16.84), (160.36±12.87), and (90.39±10.67) μg/(mZ.d), respectively. Megalobrama amblycephala culture ponds during pond basked were the source of CO2, CH4 and N2O, of which CO2 emission during pond basked amounted to (86.72.10±12.46) g/m2, CH4 emission of (2.01±0.34) g/m2, and N20 emission of (7.44±0.98) mg/m2. For 20-years Megalobrama amblycephala culture pond ecosystems during pond basked, greenhouse gas warming potential had an increase trend. Comprehensive global warming potential was (157.28±24.31) g/m2. Therefore, there was a great potential in greenhouse gas emission reduction in Megalobrama amblycephala culture pond ecosystems.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期210-215,共6页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室开放课题项目(2013006) 农业财政项目“渔业节能减排宣传与政策研究” 国家虾现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-47)
关键词 温室气体 排放控制 池塘 水产 温室效应 团头鲂 晒塘 greenhouse gases emission control ponding aquaculture greenhouse effect Megalobrama amblycephala sun drying of pond
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