
论先秦的成仙模式——屈原“游仙”幻想的宗教学分析 被引量:1

Ways to Become Immortals in the Pre-Qin Period——A Religious Study on Qu Yuan's Fantasies
摘要 屈原名作《离骚》虽然文辞华美,但是诗中"游仙""求女"这两部分内容的出现却与诗歌前文所要抒发的愤懑之情不甚契合,令人费解。《离骚》中的"游仙""求女"内容并非是诗人有意虚构的情节,而只是记述自己某种不自觉产生的幻想。这些幻想时常萦绕在诗人脑中,挥之不去,以致巫学功底深厚的屈原对其产生了宗教神学的误读,自以为谪仙下凡辅政,若假以法术,死后灵魂定能重归仙界,故而选择了在吉日投水而死,既是悲愤殉国,亦为水解化去,弃世登仙。同时,藉由对屈原的成仙努力的分析,可以看到在先秦时期原始宗教观念中已经形成了建功升仙、遇仙增寿、尸解化去三种成仙模式。 Lisao, one of the works by Qu Yuan, is known for its beautiful language. But two chapters of the book have so far remained the most difficult parts for readers. One is "youxian", and the other is "qiunu". In my opinion, this two chapters were telling the illusions of Qu Yuan, which made him believe he was a god having descended to the world and that his soul could fly to heaven after his death. That explained he eventually chose to drown himself in a lucky day to free his soul from the body by water. Through studying Qu Yuan's fantasies, we can see that people believed that there were 3 ways to become immortals in the Pre-Qin period, that is, making great achievements while alive, meeting immortals to achieve longevity, and Rising to the heaven from death.
作者 朱磊
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期112-119,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"中国古代的北斗信仰"(13YJC730010) 山东大学基本科研业务费资助项目(人文社科青年团队项目)"海岱地区商周至两汉时期原始瓷与釉陶研究"(IFYT1505)
关键词 《离骚》 屈原 成仙模式 “游仙” “求女” 楚辞 Lisao, Qu Yuan, ways to become immortals, "youxian", "qiunu", Chuci poetry
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  • 1《史记》卷八十四《屈原贾生列传》,北京:中华书局,1959年标点本,第2482页.
  • 2王逸:《楚辞章句疏证》,黄灵庚疏证,北京:中华书局,2007年,第9、10页.
  • 3朱季海:《楚辞解故》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1963年,第59页.
  • 4王逸、朱熹:《楚辞章句》,长沙:岳麓书社,1989年,第48页.
  • 5《魏书》卷八十四《儒林列传》,北京:中华书局,1974年,第1849页.
  • 6黄灵庚:《楚狂屈原--对屈原人格个性、死亡意识的反思》,载郝志达编:《东方诗魂》,北京:东方出版社,1993年,第220-223页.
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  • 8吴世尚:《楚辞疏》,清雍正五年尚友堂刊本.
  • 9竹治贞夫:《(离骚)--梦幻式叙事诗》,载尹锡康、周发祥主编:《楚辞资料海外编》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,1986年.
  • 10张正明.巫、道、骚与艺术[J].文艺研究,1992(2):110-120. 被引量:29





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