
小间隙针-柱结构电晕放电和辉光放电实现离子风的特性 被引量:3

Characteristics of Ionic Wind Realized by Corona Discharge and Glow Discharge with a Small-Gap Needle-Cylinder Structure
摘要 设计了一种小间隙针-柱放电结构,通过大气压环境下稳定的气体放电,实现离子风.放电阴极采用针尖直径为56.4μm的不锈钢针,放电阳极采用直径4 mm、长60 mm的紫铜圆柱.放电电源采用0^-20 000 V的负直流高压电源,在镇流电阻12 MΩ、放电电阻12 MΩ、测试电阻1 kΩ、针-柱间距2.2 mm、大气压、无外界通入气流、室温条件下进行放电实验.TDS1002B-SC泰克示波器记录的特里切尔放电波形、伏安特性曲线以及数码相机拍摄的放电发光图像验证了针-柱结构产生了稳定的电晕放电和辉光放电.实验中采用testo 405-V1风速仪进行风速测量.不同针-柱间距和不同镇流电阻阻值的实验结果都表明:在电晕放电阶段,离子风风速随放电电压的增大而增大;进入辉光放电后,离子风流速反而减小. A small-gap needle-cylinder discharge structure was designed to realize the ionic wind by the stable gas discharge in ambient air. A stainless steel needle tip with a diameter of 56. 4 μm was chosen as the cathode,and a copper cylinder with a diameter of 4 mm and length of 60 mm was used as the anode.The discharge experiment was carried out under the following conditions: the negative high voltage DC power supply with 0 ^- 20 000 V was used as the discharge power supply,the ballasting resistor was 12MΩ,the discharge resistor was 12 MΩ,the testing resistor was 1 kΩ,and the distance between needle and cylinder was 2. 2 mm,without external air flow in ambient air and at room temperature. Stable corona and glow discharges were realized by the needle-cylinder structure,which was proved by the Trichel discharge waveform recorded by TDS1002B-SC Tektronix oscilloscope,the volt-ampere characteristic curve and the discharge photos recorded by a digital camera. The ionic wind velocity was measured by the testo 405-V1 anemometer. The experiments with different distances between needle and cylinder and dif-ferent values of the ballasting resistor were carried out. The results show that the ionic wind velocity increases with the increase of discharge voltage in the corona discharge stage,while it decreases after transforming into glow discharge.
出处 《纳米技术与精密工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期112-117,共6页 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(61204120) 广西自然科学基金资助项目(2013GXNSFBA019273 2015GXNSFAA139304) 国家级大学生创新项目资助项目(XY290406) 广西高等教育教学改革工程资助项目(2014GJB144) 广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室基金资助项目(YQ15114) 广西信息科学实验中心资助项目(YB1420)
关键词 针-柱放电结构 离子风 电晕放电 辉光放电 needle-cylinder discharge structure ionic wind corona discharge glow discharge
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