
商洪涛治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎经验 被引量:2

SHANG Hongtao treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis
摘要 商洪涛主任医师认为,慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)的发生与饮食、肝郁、外邪等多种因素损伤脾胃,导致脾胃升降功能失常有关,久病必虚,气血津液生化乏源,胃络失养,日久造成胃腺体萎缩。脾胃虚弱,气血津液生化不足是CAG的发病之本,气滞、痰热、瘀血为发病之标。临证提倡益脾气、滋胃阴以治其本,行气化瘀、清利湿热以治其标,并自拟梅卿汤加减治疗。 Director SHANG Hongtao thinks that the occurrence of chronic atrophic gastritis( CAG) is relate to various factors( diet,stagnation of liver qi,exogenous evil and so on). The factors damage the spleen and stomach,that leads to the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. The prolonged course sets off deficiency of qi,blood,body fluid,it immediately brings about the dystrophy of the stomach meridian and finally causes the atrophy of stomach gland. The weakness of the spleen and stomach,which led to the deficiency of qi,blood,body fluid,is the root cause of CAG,qi stagnation,phlegm heat,blood stasis are the other causes of CAG. Director SHANG believes that tonifying spleen qi and nourishing stomach yin are basic treatments of CAG,accompany with promoting flow of qi,blood circulation and clearing heat and moisture when necessary and Director SHANG creats Meiqing decoction to treat CAG.
出处 《长春中医药大学学报》 2016年第2期289-291,共3页 Journal of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine
关键词 慢性萎缩性胃炎 病因病机 治则治法 梅卿汤 商洪涛 CAG etiology and pathogenesis principle of treatment Meiqing decoction SHANG Hongtao
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