
有源层厚度对氧化铟镓锌薄膜晶体管性能的影响 被引量:3

Effect of active layer thickness on the performance of IGZO thin-film-transistors
摘要 使用磁控溅射法制备了IGZO-TFT,研究有源层厚度对其电学性能的影响。实验结果表明,器件的阈值电压和开关比会随着有源层厚度的增大而减小,而器件的亚阈值摆幅和饱和迁移率则会随有源层厚度的增大而增大。此外,还研究了有源层厚度对器件偏压稳定性的影响。有源层厚度越大的器件,其阈值电压漂移也会越大。这主要与半导体层中所增加的缺陷态密度有关。 IGZO-TFTs with different active layer thicknesses were prepared using magnetron sputtering method. It isobserved that with the increasing of active layer thickness, the threshold voltage and on/off ratio decrease, while thesubthreshold swing and mobility keep an upward tendency. The variation of threshold voltage shift was studied additionally.The results indicate that the enhancement of active layer thickness has a negative impact on the device stability. It isconsidered as the consequence of growing trap state density in the semiconductor resulting from the increment of activelayer thickness.
作者 吴捷 门传玲
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 2016年第6期44-47,共4页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 上海市自然科学基金项目资助(No.13ZR1428200) 上海理工大学国家级项目培育基金资助(No.14XPM06)
关键词 氧化铟镓锌 薄膜晶体管 有源层厚度 迁移率 氧空位 稳定性 IGZO thin-film-transistors active layer thickness mobility oxygen vacancies stability
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