
玉米产量提高过程中品种特征研究进展 被引量:9

Advances in Cultivar Characteristics for Maize Yield Improving
摘要 自20世纪60年代以来,世界玉米平均单产大幅度提高;而消费需求也是逐年增加。所以,作为世界重要的粮食作物之一,玉米高产潜力的挖掘势在必行。品种选育对玉米产量增益的贡献突出。为了给今后品种选育提供理论依据,归纳前人的研究试验,分析了不同年代玉米品种的结构与功能指标,结果如下:(1)在玉米品种更替过程中,穗位高或穗位系数明显降低,茎叶夹角变小、叶面积增大,叶片持绿期延长。(2)新品种与老品种相比,透光率增加,消光系数降低,倒伏率下降,干物质积累速率与收获指数增加。(3)国内外品种选育指标有差异,但品种的特征都向着优化的方向发展。基于以上结果提出,未来的玉米育种在考虑高耐密植的同时,应注重以种抗病、以种抗虫、以种抗草。 The average yield per unit area of maize(Zea mays L.) has increased considerably since 1960 s,butthe consumption demand also increases year by year.Therefore,as one of the most important food crops in theworld,it is imperative to tap the high yield potential of maize.Variety breeding has great contribution to maizeyield.To provide a theoretical basis for maize breeding in the future,this paper analyzed the structure andfunction indexes of maize cultivars based on summing up previous researches.The results are as follows:(1) ear height or ear ratio(ear height/plant height),and the angle between stem and leaf significantly decrease,but leaf area,green leaf duration increase with the improvement of maize cultivars;(2) compared with oldcultivars,new cultivars have more light transmittance,less extinction coefficient in canopy,and have lowerlodging rate,higher dry matter accumulation rate and harvest index;(3) although the selection traits aredifferent between domestic and foreign varieties in breeding,the traits of maize cultivars are generallyoptimized.Based on the above analysis,it is proposed that in future maize breeding,the highlights should beon the cultivars' resistance to disease,insect and grass as well as high planting density.
出处 《中国农学通报》 2016年第15期38-43,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 973项目"作物高产群体结构和功能的优化机理及其定量控制"(2009CB118605)
关键词 玉米 品种特征 品种选育 maize cultivar characteristics cultivar breeding
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