
以己注骚,以骚注己——论谢济世《离骚解》的“感遇情结” 被引量:2

Discussion of “Ganyu Complex”in Xie Jishi's Lisao Jie
摘要 谢济世的《离骚解》在清代纷繁的楚辞注疏中不同于其他众多注本,具有强烈的个人风格与个性色彩,始终萦绕着浓郁而独特的"感遇情结",具体表现在两个方面。一方面,谢济世"以己注骚",用自己的忠贞之心为独特的注疏视角,所见所得颇具独特创见,既由己推人,断定且坚信凭屈原忠义大节,定不能背君而"去国",并以此作为解读《离骚》的推理前提和论证依据;又"落实"文本注疏,以"现实化"的内容和形式,解读《离骚》"超现实"的想象。另一方面,谢济世"以骚注己",这种解读方式有着特定而深厚的形成机制;"以骚注己"具体表现在谢济世通过注解《离骚》,感怀自身坎坷"身世",表达爱国怀忠情志,并隐喻自身对于现实政治和出路的思索与探求。 The numerous Chu Ci commentaries of Xie Jishi's Lisao Jie in the Qing Dynasty,different from many other notes,with strong personal style and individuality,always haunt the rich and unique "ganyu complex".This kind of "ganyu complex"is in two aspects. On the one hand,Xie Jishi "The Note Sao",with his loyal heart,is a unique perspective of the commentaries with quite unique and original ideas,both by pushing,judging and convincing by Qu Yuan loyally festive,not backing the king and out of the country,and people regard it as the interpretation of Lisao reasoning premise and basis for argument. At the same time,the implementation of the text commentaries,to the content and form of "reality",interpreted Lisao surreal "imagination". On the other hand,Xie Jishi is"to show himself by Sao Note",understanding with the specific and deep formation mechanism; the Sao Note has specific performance in Xie Jishi through notes,Lisao,meditating on the ups and downs of life experience,expression of patriotic "huaizhong"emotional and metaphors for political reality and way out of thinking and searching.
作者 施仲贞 张琰
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期129-133,共5页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"东亚楚辞文献的发掘 整理与研究"(2013&ZD112) 江苏省社会科学基金项目"清代楚辞著述论考"(12ZWD019) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目"楚辞在日本的传播和影响"(2015SJB617) 江苏高校"青蓝工程"优秀青年骨干教师培养对象资助项目
关键词 谢济世 《离骚解》 楚辞 《离骚》 感遇情结 Xie Jishi Lisao Jie Chu Ci Lisao "ganyu complex"
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