
可再生能源参与电力市场:综述与展望 被引量:91

Renewable Energy Trading in Electricity Market: Review and Prospect
摘要 间歇性可再生能源经过近10年的快速发展已成为我国重要的能源供应形式之一。在我国当前新一轮电力体制改革的新形势下,建立完善的可再生能源参与市场的交易机制与价格补贴机制是解决可再生能源发展及消纳问题的关键。与国外可再生能源参与市场的研究与实践相比,国内的相关工作还处于起步阶段。重点对国内可再生能源的发展政策、市场组织以及价格机制进行了分析与展望,总结了国外可再生能源参与市场的典型交易模式,梳理了国内外最新的可再生能源参与市场研究领域的研究成果,展望了新的研究方向以及我国未来可再生能源参与电力市场的发展途径。 After a decade of rapid development,renewable energy has become one of the important energy supply forms in China.Under the newround electricity system reform in China,establishing a strategic price subsidy mechanism and market trading mechanisms for renewable energy is a key solution to accommodating and developing the renewable energy. Compared with the market mechanisms of renewable energy in other countries,the research of renewable energy trading in electricity market is far away from mature in China. The current situation of the mechanism and price policies of renewable energy in China is outlined and analyzed in this paper. The mechanism of renewable energy participating the electricity markets in foreign countries are summarized and analyzed. The state-of-art researches on howto trade the renewable energy in the electricity markets are reviewed. Finally,the paper prospects the potential research fields of renewable energy trading in the electricity market and discusses its future development in China.
出处 《南方电网技术》 北大核心 2016年第3期16-23,2,共8页 Southern Power System Technology
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金(51325702) 国家电网公司科技项目(含大规模新能源发电的电力系统规划技术模型及综合评估方法研究)~~
关键词 可再生能源 电力市场 电价机制 竞价策略 市场均衡 辅助服务 renewable energy electricity market price mechanism bidding strategy market equilibrium ancillary service
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