
大豆秸秆木聚糖碱法提取及酶解工艺研究 被引量:5

Alkaline extraction of xylan from soybean straw and its enzymolysis technology
摘要 大豆秸秆是木聚糖含量较高的一种农业纤维废弃物,采用碱法考察了不同前处理条件(包括预煮温度,氢氧化钠浓度,料液比和浸提时间等)对大豆秸秆中不溶性木聚糖的提取率的影响。正交实验结果表明:当预煮温度80℃,碱液浓度15%,料液比1∶20,浸提时间4 h时,大豆秸杆中不溶性木聚糖的提取率最高,为34.3%。低聚木糖是一种重要的功能性低聚糖,嗜热踝节菌木聚糖酶为低聚木糖水解用酶,通过单因素实验探究了在嗜热踝节菌木聚糖酶的催化作用下,大豆秸秆木聚糖水解的最佳条件,大豆秸秆在此方面研究尚属空白。实验结果显示:底物浓度为1.0%,酶添加量为30 U/m L,温度设定为60℃,水解时间为240 min的条件下低聚木糖的得率最高,为24.2%,在工业上具有较高的应用价值。 Soybean straw is a waste agricultural fiber,which contains a high xylan. The study investigated the effect of pretreatment parameters on the extraction rate of water insoluble xylan from soybean straw. The result shows that the best extraction conditions were :Na OH solution 15%,solid-liquid ratio 1:20,extraction temperature 80 ℃ and extraction time 4h. Under the above conditions,the yield of xylan was up to 34.3%. xylooligosaccharides is an important functional oligosaccharides. Xylanase is a hydrolase catalyzing xylooligosaccharide. Using xylanase,high yield of reducing sugar was obtained when the conditions were as follows :substrate concentration 1.0%,enzyme amount 30 U/m L,hydrolysis temperature 60 ℃ and hydrolysis time 240 min.
出处 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期92-97,共6页 China Food Additives
关键词 大豆秸秆 木聚糖 碱法提取 水不溶性木聚糖 低聚木糖 soybean straw xylan alkaline solution extraction water insoluble xylan xylooligosaccharides
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