目的分析2002-2015年北京市昌平区结核病防治所门诊初诊患者来源情况,为进一步采取措施、制定辖区内结核病防控策略提供依据。方法利用EXCEL软件2002-2015年昌平区结核病防治所门诊部结核病疑似患者初诊登记本内容进行汇总、统计、分析。结果 2002-2015年共登记初诊患者24101人,就诊来源依次是因症就诊占41.72%;转诊占35.28%;因症推荐占8.59%;其他方式来源占14.42%。因症就诊患者所占比例波动较大,由2002年的61.32%下降到2012年的14.29%,在2015年升到32.14%;转诊患者所占比例则相对平稳,由32.63%降到25.77%,因症就诊和转诊每年所占比例最大,平均占77.00%,由2002年的93.95%下降到2015年的57.91%;而其他来源的患者所占比例则由2002年的1.71%升到2015年的29.36%。结论北京市昌平区门诊初诊患者来源以转诊和因症就诊为主,但是近几年来,因症就诊和转诊比例有所下降,其他就诊方式比例明显上升,这提示进一步加强医防合作、做好全社会健康教育宣传等工作对结核病防控具有重要意义。
Objective To analyze the sources of newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients in Changping Tuberculosis Control Center from 2002 to 2015 and to provide evidences for developing TB control strategies and measures. Methods Excel 2007 software was used to collect and analyze the sources of TB outpatients from 2002 to 2015. Results The total number of TB outpatients from 2002 to 2015 were 24101. 41.72% tuberculosis cases were registered through clinical consultation, which decreased from 61.32% in 2002 to14.29% in 2012 and increased to 32.14% in 2015. 35.28% of them were transferred from other hospitals, which decreased from 32.63% in 2002 to 25.77% in 2015. 8.59% were detected by the mode of symptom-recommendation, and 14.42% were detected by other ways, which significantly increased from 1.71% in 2002 to 29.36% in 2015. Clinical consultation and transfer treatment were the important way of discovering TB patients, which decreased from 93.95% in 2002 to 57.91% in 2015, with the average yearly proportion of 77%. Conclusion Clinical consultation and transfer treatment are the mainly way of the sources of TB outpatients in Changping area, although its proportion has a decline tendency in recent years and the source of TB outpatients from other ways have increased significantly. It has important significance for tuberculosis control and prevention by strengthening the cooperation between the general hospitals and TB dispensaries and enhan- cing social propaganda education.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
首都医学发展基金(No 2009-3259)
patien's finding
patien's source