
Analytical Architectural Study on Nuclear Power Plants

Analytical Architectural Study on Nuclear Power Plants
摘要 This paper aims to study the architectural design and components of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). It is also focusing on the simulation system. Its main objective is to set general guidelines for architects. They should be aware of the basics of nuclear facilities designs and components. A traditional nuclear power plant consists of a nuclear reactor, a control building, a turbines building, cooling towers, service buildings (an office building & a medical research center) and a nuclear & radiation waste storage building. Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran and Angra nuclear power plant in Brazil have been chosen as examples. Furthermore, this paper presents design analyses for Bushehr nuclear power plant and Angra nuclear power plant that include design theory (linear design and radial design) and positive & negative aspects of these designs. At the end of this paper, results and recommendations on the architectural and urban aspects of nuclear power plants are revealed.
出处 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第4期189-206,共18页 环境科学与工程(B)
关键词 Analytical study architectural study nuclear power plants nuclear power reactors. 建筑设计 核电站 仿真系统 设施设计 核反应堆 服务建筑 线性设计 设计理论
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