随着我国经济的快速发展,从政府高层到普通民众均强烈期盼我国能产生一批世界一流大学,以匹配全球第二大经济体的国家地位。近十余年我国在经济上实现GDP"超日赶美"的同时,我国重点高校也在不断缩小与美日等发达国家的差距。以世界大学学术排名(Academic Ranking of World Universities,ARWU)为例,近年来,我国上榜高校不论是数量还是质量均在显著提升,我国重点高校呈现出群体性崛起的良好势头,中国实现高等教育强国的梦想正在一步步变为现实。本文根据ARWU主要对我国上榜高校进行了质量考察和优劣分析。
With the rapid development of China's economy , both the government leaders and or-dinary people are keen to develop a group of world -class universities , so as to match the status of the world's second largest economy .Over the past ten years , China's economy has developed steadily and rapidly , and GDP amount has surpassed Japan and caught up with America .Meanwhile , Key u-niversities in China continues to narrow the gap between the developed countries such as the United States and Japan.Take the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)for instance, the lis-ted universities of China has been significantly improved in both the quantity and quality , indicating the group rising of Chinese key universities , realizing the China dream of a powerful country in high-er education step by step .
Contemporary Continuing Education