
便携计算机防盗提示器设计及无线认证策略 被引量:2

Direction Meter Against Theft for Laptop Computer and Wireless Authentication Policy
摘要 存储有涉密信息的便携计算机一旦遗失或被盗就会造成不可估量的损失.为提高便携计算机的防丢防盗技术水平,提出了一种基于双向无线通信的主从式防丢防盗报警方案.为防止计算机信息的电磁泄漏,在设计计算机机箱时将报警系统从机与计算机等主板实现物理隔离.通过调节报警系统主从机无线通信模块的发射功率和接受灵敏度,可实现装有从机的便携式计算机产品脱离携带者预设控制距离范围时,主机能给出报警提示并控制从机也发出报警,便于定位.利用自定义协议增强主机与从机间无线认证,确保通信安全.经过对样机进行实验验证,该方案技术路线可行. Once the laptop computer with classified information got lost or was stolen, it would lead to inestimable loss. Aiming at improving the burglarproof technology of military laptop information, this paper introduced a burglarproof alarm scheme used in master-slave computer system, which is based on bidirectional wireless communication technology. It designed physical isolation between slave devices and computer main-board of alarming system in computer case for protecting information from electromagnetism leakage. By adjusting transmit power and receiver sensitivity of wireless communication module in master-slave computer of alarm system, it is possible to make master give a warning signal and control the slave to response, when the distance of device taker and military laptop which equipped with alarm system is larger than the threshold. Enhance the wireless authentication and insure the communications security between master and slave by using custom protocol communication. According to the test verification of prototype, the feasibility of this method was proved.
出处 《信息安全研究》 2016年第6期527-532,共6页 Journal of Information Security Research
基金 计算机应用研究所所长基金项目(SJ2016B01)
关键词 便携式计算机 方位信息 防盗 告警 无线认证协议 portable computer direction information anti-theft alarm wireless authenticationprotocol
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