
脱脂豆粉制备大豆基胶黏剂的研究进展 被引量:7

A review of defatted soy flour based bio-adhesives
摘要 为基于脱脂豆粉原料的大豆基胶黏剂研究指明方向,分析了脱脂豆粉的制备工艺,指出低温脱脂豆粕粉碎后的脱脂豆粉适合作为制备大豆基胶黏剂的原料;脱脂豆粉含有约50%的大豆蛋白、40%的碳水化合物和其它微量成分,用脱脂豆粉制备大豆基胶黏剂主要是对其中的大豆蛋白进行物理、化学和生物酶改性,各种改性方法对提高大豆基胶黏剂耐水性和质量的贡献不同;根据最新研究,着重介绍了对脱脂豆粉中碳水化合物的衍生化改性,使其与改性大豆蛋白协同,进一步提高大豆基胶黏剂的耐水性;指出制胶过程中实现脱脂豆粉组分的全利用、降低胶黏剂成本与粘度、提高固含量依然是需要解决的问题。 The preparation techniques of defatted soy flour were briefly summarized,and indicating that defatted soy flour ground from defatted soy meal obtained at low temperature was the suitable raw material for preparing soy based bio-adhesives due to its approximately 50% protein,40% carbohydrate,and other minor components. The preparation of soy based bio-adhesives was briefly reviewed by soy protein modification techniques such as physical,chemical,and enzyme treatment,and its contribution at water resistance and qualities of soy based bio-adhesives was also analyzed. Besides,improvement of the water resistance of soy based bio-adhesives via derivatization carbohydrate and modification soy protein in defatted soy flour was also introduced. However,there were further research challenges in reducing the cost and viscosity,and increasing the solid content of soy based bio-adhesives by total utilization of defatted soy flour.
出处 《森林与环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期266-271,共6页 Journal of Forest and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31470589 31500477) 福建省财政专项资金项目(K81600001) 福建省教育厅科技计划项目(JA15185)
关键词 脱脂豆粉 大豆基胶黏剂 碳水化合物 改性方法 研究进展 defatted soy flour soy based bio-adhesives carbohydrate modification techniques review
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