
世界海运网络异质性研究 被引量:4

Heterogeneity of global shipping network
摘要 根据17家主要船公司的集装箱航线及挂靠港口数据构建世界海运网络,应用复杂网络理论对世界海运网络的度、度分布、聚类系数、平均路径长度及介数等指标进行测算,分析网络的拓扑结构。结果表明,世界海运网络为无标度网络,具有聚类特性及小世界特性且存在层次结构。在此基础上引入经济学中衡量收入分配平均程度的洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数,对世界海运网络的异质性进行定量分析,海运网络的基尼系数为0.554,表明世界海运网络具有较强的异质性。 Basing on the container shipping routes and ports data from 17 major liner companies ,a global shipping network was developed .Topological structure of shipping network was analyzed using complex network theory .The results of degree and de‐gree distribution ,clustering coefficient ,average path length and betweenness show that ,shipping network was a scale‐free net‐work with clustering feature and small‐world feature ,which has hierarchical structure .Lorenz curves and Gini coefficient which are used to measure equality of income distribution in economics were applied to quantitatively analyze heterogeneity of global shipping network .The Gini coefficient of global shipping network was 0 .554 ,which indicated the heterogeneity level of the net‐work was very high .
出处 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第7期793-797,共5页 China Sciencepaper
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(13&ZD170) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61174166) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(3132014314)
关键词 水路运输 复杂网络 洛伦兹曲线 基尼系数 海运网络异质性 拓扑结构 waterway transportation complex network Lorenz curves Gini coefficient heterogeneity of global shipping network topology
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