
油气处理场站消防系统适应性分析 被引量:3

Adaptability Analysis of Fire- extinguishing System in Oil and Gas Processing Stations
摘要 针对油气处理场站规模、场站等级、火灾类别及消防系统规模,结合各场站消防系统现状,依据《石油天然气工程设计防火规范》的规定,分析探讨存在的问题或缺陷,提出合理整改措施。消防问题,既有建设标准问题,也有后期的管理、使用和维护问题。在执行的规范标准方面,安全评价部门要区别对待老装置的新标准问题,对场站消防系统改造完善要统一规划、分批分期整改,达到相关规范要求,以保证油气生产装置的安全运行。 In allusion to the scale and level of the oil and gas processing stations as well as fire classification and the fire protection system scale, in combination with the present situation of the fire protection system in each station, and in accordance with the provisions of Code For Fire Protection Design of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, analyze and explore the existed problems or defects and then put Forward reasonable rectification measures. The fire protection problems include issues not only on existed construction standards but also on finalperiod management, use and maintenance. During implementation of codes and standards, the Department of Safety Assessment shall treat the problems of old devices and new standards differently. The unified planning on fire protection system reform and improvement shall be realized, the phased rectification shall be carried out in batches, and the requirements of relevant codes shall be met, in order to ensure safe operation of oil and gas production devices.
出处 《油气田地面工程》 2016年第7期45-47,共3页 Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
关键词 油气处理场站 消防设施 问题 整改 oil and gas processing station tire protection facilities problems rectit]cation
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  • 1云成生,韩景宽,章申远,等.石油天然气工程设计防火规范:GB50183--2004[S].北京:中国计划出版社,2004:66.
  • 2李苏秦,胡晨,董继军.石油化工企业设计防火规范:GB50160-2008[S].北京:中国计划出版社,2008:52.




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