
Brand New Exploration and Research on Characteristics of the Development of Each Cultural School in the Macro Development of National Culture

Brand New Exploration and Research on Characteristics of the Development of Each Cultural School in the Macro Development of National Culture
摘要 According to the overall development trend of the modern social development environment and social cultural atmosphere,it is necessary for the diversified coexistence of the national culture.Therefore,the cultural psychological school,constructivismschool and the universal evolution school have become the fundamental driving force for the development of the national cultures while their inherent development thoughts have also been provided with corresponding featured views. According to the overall development trend of the modern social development environment and social cultural atmosphere, it is necessary for the diversified coexistence of the national culture. Therefore, the cultural psychological school, constructivism school and the universal evolution school have become the fundamental driving force for the development of the national cultures while their inherent development thoughts have also been provided with corresponding featured views.
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期263-267,共5页 Academics
基金 The “Four First-Group” Talent-funded project of the national culture propaganda system:Research on Changes in Muslim Population and Corresponding Influences in Northwest China since 2000
关键词 民族文化 学校发展 特征 宏观 社会发展 发展趋势 文化氛围 文化心理 national culture cultural school development views featured research
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