

A Reflective Research on the Relationship Between Mass Culture and Literary Practice
摘要 在日益繁荣的大众文化中,文学实践成为大众文化语境中的实践,成为在与大众文化的差异性互动中而被展开与模塑的实践。在这样的被展开中,文学实践体现出大众文化追随与批判锋芒弱化两个特征,由此发生的便是文学理论对于大众文化的强势合理性与实践推展的态势合理性的辩护,以及在一些问题上寻求建立与大众文化的某种一体性批评关系。文学理论这种不同程度的弱化甚至放弃对于大众文化的理论引导性与理论超越性情况,与大众文化的压抑机制相关,在这个问题上由于国内的大众文化研究更多地承领与因袭西方观点,因此更体现着一种理论对待的被动型。 In the increasingly prosperous mass culture,literary practice becomes the practice in the mass culture context,also the one that is analyzed and molded in the differential interaction with mass culture. In the analysis,literary practice shows two features of mass culture,the following of mass culture and the weakening of criticism,which cause literary theory's justification for the extreme rationality of popular culture and the validity of the trend of practice development,as well as the establishment of some kind of integrated critical relationship with mass culture on some issues. Literary theory,to different degrees, weakening and giving up instructing and theoretically surpassing mass culture, is related to the suppression mechanism of mass culture.About this issue, domestic mass culture research inherited and developed more points of view from western countries that made theory more passive.
作者 高楠 吴优
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第4期111-118,共8页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 大众文化 文学实践 反思 mass culture literary practice reflection
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