

Design of the control system of nondestructive testing device for surface defect of solid wood board
摘要 为了满足获得实木板材表面完整的三维轮廓,并对实木板材的速度和位置进行实时监控的要求,结合激光三维轮廓扫描技术,本文给出了实木板材表面图像检测方案,实现了双面检测。设计了实木板材表面缺陷无损检测装置的控制系统,研究了控制系统的硬件设计和软件设计,实现了手动与自动两种运行模式。选用西门子PLC S7-200作为控制核心,实木板材运动过程中,扫描仪行程开关向PLC发送脉冲,脉冲触发激光轮廓扫描仪,实现实木板材表面图像的采集,为实现实木板材表面缺陷的自动检测提供了一种解决方案。 In order to obtain the 3D profile of solid wood boardand and complete the task of monitoring speed and position in realtime, the paper raized the detection scheme of the surface image of the solid wood board, according to the 3D laser scanning technology and realizing the double face detection. The paper designed the control system of the nondestructive testing device for surface defect ofthe solid wood board and researched on the design of the hardware and software of the system. Two operation modes of the control system was designed to realize the manual and automatic control. Siemens $7-200 PLC was selected as the control core.During the movement of the solid wood, the travel switch sent pulses to the PLC and triggered the laser scanner to complete collecting the image information of the surface of solid wood board, but also providing a solution to realize the automation detectionof surface defects of solid wood board.
出处 《木材加工机械》 2016年第3期30-33,共4页 Wood Processing Machinery
基金 江苏省产学研前瞻性联合研究项目(BY2013006-01) 国家林业局948项目(2014-4-48)
关键词 控制系统 可编程逻辑控制器 伺服电机 旋转编码器 实木板材 Control system Programmable logic controller Servo motor Rotary encoder Solid wood board
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