
基于电流可逆斩波电路的光伏储能系统建模与仿真 被引量:2

Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Energy Storage System Based on Current Reversible Chopper Circuit
摘要 针对由于光伏发电系统出力的随机性和波动性而导致的储能系统中蓄电池充电电流不稳定的问题,研究了基于电流可逆斩波电路的超级电容器和蓄电池混合储能的理论依据和电路结构。首先在理论上分析了现有混合储能系统并联方式的不足以及电流可逆斩波电路的优势,该电路通过控制开关管的工作状态来调节输入侧的电压及控制电流方向,实现超级电容器和蓄电池之间能量的转移。其次,通过在MATLAB上建立电路模型,设计合理的仿真实验,验证了经电流可逆斩波电路并联的混合储能结构,能使铅酸蓄电池的充电电流和电压更稳定。 Aiming at the problem of the instability of the battery charging current in the energy storage system caused by the randomness and volatility of the photovoltaic power generation system, the theoretical basis and circuit structure of the supercapacitor and battery hybrid energy storage based on the current reversible chopper circuit is studied. Firstly, the shortcomings of the existing hybrid energy storage system and the advantages of the current reversible chopper circuit are analyzed in theory. This circuit can adjust the input voltage and control current direction by controlling the working state of the thyristors to achieve the energy transfer between supercapacitor and battery. Secondly, a reasonable simulation experiment is designed to verify the hybrid energy storage structure of the current reversible chopper circuit in the MATLAB, which can make the charge current and voltage of the lead acid battery more stable.
出处 《辽宁工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第4期228-232,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 光伏发电 混合储能 电流可逆斩波电路 MATLAB建模仿真 photovoltaic cells hybrid energy storage current reversible chopper circuit MATLAB modeling simulation
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