

Research on the Impact of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Community on Consumers' Purchase Intention
摘要 虚拟社区在目前的网络应用中占用网民较长时间,也为消费者在购物的过程中提供越来越多的信息,因此,虚拟社区中的知识共享对消费者购买意愿会产生重要的影响。该文从知识有用和对知识的信任两个方面选取了知识内容、知识结构等6个指标,通过在线调研确定了指标的相对重要性,并应用层次分析法对各指标赋权重,最终得到各指标对消费者购物意愿的影响程度,并根据结果对商家通过虚拟社区营销给出了建议。 Virtual Community spends a lot of time in current network applications, and provides more and more information for customers in the process of purchase. Therefore, knowledge sharing in the virtual community plays an important impact on con- sumers' purchase intention. The paper choose 6 indexes including knowledge content, knowledge structure according to useful of knowledge and trust of knowledge, and points out the importance of each indexes though online investigation. The paper weights each indexes by AHP and gains the level of each indexes impacting consumers' purchase intention finally, then gives the suggestion to the sellers who want to market on virtual community according to the result.
作者 曹倩雯 王宸圆 CAO Qian-wen, WANG Chen-yuan (Department of Information Management, Zhejiang College of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Jinhua, 321013)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2016年第8期252-254,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
基金 上海财经大学浙江学院一般课题:虚拟社区知识共享对消费者购买意愿的影响研究 者简介
关键词 虚拟社区 知识共享 层次分析法 virtual community knowledge sharing AHP
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