天亚10号以自育中间材料89259和75-17-2-1的F1代为母本,以自育中间材料85-134-9-1为父本杂交选育而成。2013—2014年甘肃省区试平均产量为1 792.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇亚10号增产10.41%。该品种油纤兼用型,籽粒褐色,花蓝色、幼苗直立,株型紧凑,植株整齐,成熟一致,抗倒伏强,丰产性好。含油率40.1%,千粒重7.20-8.77 g,生育期92-125 d。适宜在甘肃省兰州、定西、白银、天水等地种植。
Tianya 10 is a newly bred linseed cultivar by crossing agriculture material F1 of 89259 and 75-17-2-1 as female parent,agriculture materials 85-134-9-1 as male parent. The average yield is 1 792.5 kg/hm2,which is 10.41% higher than that of the check Longya 10 in the peried 2013 — 2014 in regional test. The production reached extremely significant level. The result shows that it is an oil all-purpose cultivar,the fruit is in brown color,the flower is blue,the seedling is upright,plant type is compact,plant is neat,the mature is consistent,Lodging resistance is strong and high seed production yield. The percent oil is 40.1%,thousand seed weight is 7.20-8.77 g,growth period is 92-125 days. It is suitable to be grown in Lanzhou、Dingxi、Baiyin、Tianshui and other areas of Gansu.
Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology