
高层钢—混凝土混合结构抗震分析的耐震时程方法 被引量:4

Endurance Time Method for Seismic Response Analysis of Steel-concrete Hybrid Structures
摘要 本文以一典型的钢-混凝土混合结构为研究对象,应用耐震时程法(ET法)对其进行抗震分析计算与评估,并将计算与评估的结果与一般动力时程分析(THA)方法、增量动力弹塑性时程分析(IDA)方法、模型振动台实验方法得到的结果进行了对比。同时,进一步探讨了ET法计算中输入加速度时程曲线生成的不确定性及其对钢-混凝土混合结构抗震性能评估的影响。结果表明:ET法的结构抗震性能评估结果较THA方法更为可靠,采用结构各楼层的最大层间位移角或结构的最大顶点位移作为指标可以得到与IDA方法相当的地震损伤评估结果,并且计算效率大幅度提高。此外,初始波的选取对输入地震动加速度时程曲线生成的影响不能忽略,建议采用4条以上输入人工波进行耐震时程计算并取其极值或均值作为结构抗震性能评估的依据。 In this paper,the applicability of the endurance time( ET) method in the nonlinear seismic analysis of steel concrete hybrid structures is verified by a 12- story steel-concrete hybrid structure. The results obtained by the ET method are compared with the results of conventional time history analysis( THA) method,incremental dynamic analysis( IDA) method and shake table test.Meanwhile,the uncertainty of artificial ground motions in ET method and its influence on seismic performance of steel concrete hybrid structures are also discussed. The results indicate that the ET method is superior to the THA method in seismic performance evaluation of steel concrete hybrid structures,and the ET method with high computational efficiency can replace the IDA method in seismic performance evaluation of steel concrete hybrid structures if the maximum storey drift ratio or the maximum peak displacement as damage indices. Besides,the influence of the selection of the initial wave on the generation of artificial ground motions in ET method can not be ignored,more than three artificial seismic waves should be required in seismic performance evaluation of steel concrete hybrid structures.
作者 汪梦甫 龙思
出处 《工程抗震与加固改造》 北大核心 2016年第4期1-11,共11页 Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51278181)
关键词 耐震时程方法 钢-混凝土混合结构 输入地震动加速度时程曲线 增量动力弹塑性时程分析方法 一般动力时程分析方法 ET method steel concrete hybrid structure artificial ground motions in ET method IDA method THA method
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