
我国药品集中采购制度“竞价分组”政策的评价与思考——基于2016年各省集中采购方案的统计分析 被引量:12

Assessment and rational thinking of “Bidding Group”in Chinese centralized drug procurement system
摘要 2015年,国家相继出台药品集中采购制度改革文件,将药品质量作为改革的重点内容。药品集中采购制度主要利用竞价分组区分药品质量层次,达到"质量优先"的目的。但现阶段我国竞价分组存在层级划分不统一、指标构建不科学等问题,弱化了集中采购对药品质量的引导作用。本文以竞价分组作为研究对象,通过对各省(市)最新出台的采购文件中有关竞价分组的相关内容进行统计分析,发现竞价分组存在的主要问题,在此基础上探索我国竞价分组完善和优化的策略。 In 2015 , policy reforms on centralized drug purchasing system have been released one by one , and the quality of medicines has been highly valued .Centralized drug purchasing system distinguishes different qualities of drugs mainly through bidding grouping , in order to achieve “uality priority”.However , there are yet some existing problems in group bidding policy at present , such as lack of a unified hierarchy , no scientific indicators and so on , which inevitably weaken the leading role of centralized purchasing policy over the quality of medicines .This paper , focuses on the study of group bidding , and the existing main problems are found through the statistical analysis of rel-evant policies introduced in different provinces .Finally, it explores some optimization strategies for “Group Bidding”which is of paramount importance .
作者 丁锦希 董锐 李伟 龚博君 王君焱 DING Jin-xi DONG Rui LI Wei GONG Bo-jun WANG Jun-yan(School of Pharmaceutical Business of China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211198, China China Resources Saike Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd, Beijing 100124, China)
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期52-59,共8页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 2015年与2016年国家卫生与计划生育委员会委托课题(药政[2015]12号 药政[2016]11号)
关键词 药品集中采购 竞价分组 政策评价 Centralized drug procurement Bidding group Policy evaluation
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