在传统的语音通信业务中,被叫接听电话免费是各大提供商早就推行的一种服务,统称为回拨系统(Callback)。网络电话回拨系统(VOIP CALLBACK)就是运用接电话免费的特点让主叫方以非常低廉的资费获得较优质的语音通信服务的回拨系统。文章设计一款在智能手机平台上通过Wi Fi、GPRS数据传送呼叫信息形式的具备网络电话回拨功能的软终端和服务器系统,实现VOIP语音通信的低成本、低功耗和便携应用,为软交换的进一步研究应用抛砖引玉。
In the traditional voice communication services, that called subscriber answer the phone for free is a major service provider already implemented, collectively known as the call-back system (Callback). Internet phone call-back system (VOIP CALLBACK) is to use the phone free features allow the caller to the very low rates of call-back system to obtain more quality voice communications services. This design on a smart phone platform via WiFi, GPRS data transfer information in the form of call-back functions with VoIP soft terminal and server systems, low cost, low power and portable applications VOIP voice communication for Softswitch initiate research and application.
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